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Friday, January 25, 2008

Stevia. How Sweet It Is

Stevia has been around for a long time. So why is it that the FDA says it's not a sweetener; it's not been proven safe and it can't be sold as anything but a food supplement? And if that's all true, why are major soft drink manufacturers trying to get a patent on their version of it? After all, for years they've been telling us that aspartame and splenda are completely harmless, all the while using stevia in their products in Japan, Germany and many other countries. So why is (their version) of stevia okay for the US now?
Stevia was "discovered" in 1903 by an Italian botanist in the jungles of Paraguay where the native people had been using it for a sweetener. When it was grown commercially and introduced to the US a few years later, sugar producers were alarmed at the threat that stevia presented to their industry, but nothing came of it until researchers isolated stevioside from it, a pure, white powder with remarkable sweetening power.

Then, in the 1960's, the Japanese, who had an aversion to artificial sweeteners, discovered stevia and started putting it into everything from drinks to gum. Their restaurants feature little green packets of stevia on the tables, the way ours have pink, blue and yellow artificial sweetener packets. Soon, other countries including China, Germany, Israel, Malaysia and others adopted stevia. Because it was used over several decades, stevia's safety record was readily apparent. There were no side effects and it was not carcinogenic.

Stevia has a glycemic index of zero, so it doesn't raise or lower blood sugar, which makes it ideal for diabetics or those on low-glycemic diets. (However, the American Diabetes Association won't endorse it because they follow FDA guidelines and the FDA says it's not safe.) It comes in both liquid and powder form - the powder has more sweetening power than the liquid - and a little goes a very long way. A mere quarter teaspoon is the equivalent of two tsps of sugar! Research supports the theory that stevia lowers blood pressure also when used on a regular basis.

I use liquid stevia in my tea and prefer Sweetleaf Stevia Products which doesn't seem to have the licorice aftertaste which many stevia brands have. I buy it online at I buy a lot of things at, because I like the 5% back I get in Drugstore dollars and I've always gotten excellent customer service and shipping from them. And, yes, I am an affiliate. :) For cooking, I use stevia in combination with other sweeteners such as honey and organic raw sugar and use the Sweetleaf Powder.

Whether or not stevia will catch on when the major soft drink manufacturers introduce it in their colas and other soft drinks, or whether it will be another "New Coke" debacle remains to be seen. I'm just hoping that the soft drink giants' adoption of stevia will lead to its general use and acceptance in other foods and beverages. Now, that would be a sweet scenario.

About the Author
Looking for Natural, Organic and Green information? Get craft ideas, recipes and formulas for homemade household helpers. Lill's List is your resource for everything that's good for you.

Can Anabolic Steroids Be Used Safely?

The popularity of steroids among many athletes is a result of the desire to be better than their opponents. To give them this edge, many athletes have used steroids for a long period of time, and anyone who follows sports is probably familiar with the many scandals which have resulted from them taking it.
However, one of the biggest questions that many people ask is this: Can anabolic steroids be used safely? What many people don't realize is that steroids do have some beneficial uses, but only when they are used in moderation.

The reason why there are many regulations against steroid use is because the authorities feel that people will become too addicted to them. One of the benefits of using steroids is that the athletes who take them often enter a state of euphoria.

Once they are in this state, they will become more aggressive, and this will make them work out harder, which of course builds more muscle or stamina.

It has also been shown that using steroids can also lead to faster muscle tissue recovery, and the user can also obtain more lean muscles. This is precisely what many men want, particularly athletes. While many doctors claim that athletes can achieve the same results without steroids, this is often not the case.

However, the biggest problem with anabolic steroids is the side effects that come with using them. It must first be emphasized that anabolic steroids are extremely powerful. Testosterone will be added to the body and the muscles of the body will grow faster.

Many bodybuilders feel the need to use steroids, because it allows them to become bigger within a short period of time, and in the competitive world of bodybuilding, this is of great importance. However, the truth about steroids will be debated for many years to come, since there are strong arguments on both sides of the fence.

About the Author
To Find Out More About Anabolic Steroids And To Discover The 20 Most Deceiving Myths Surrounding Anabolic Steroids, Visit:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is Diet or Exercise More Effective For Fat Loss and Muscle Tone?

So is diet or exercise more important when it comes to losing body fat? I am the author of a fitness site so obviously I am a big believer in exercise, but to be honest, you can get pretty dramatic results from diet alone. In fact, I would say that 90% of the people who are having a tough time losing weight are simply messing up when it comes to diet.
In a Perfect World You Should Combine Diet and Exercise

Have you ever been too busy to exercise? Me too! Well, you can't use that excuse when it comes to eating a clean diet. No matter how busy life gets, you always have time to eat well. So, while you may go days and even weeks without visiting a gym, you can eat well every single day.

"You Can't Out-Exercise a Big Mac"

A Big Mac has 540 calories. Do you realize how much exercising it takes to burn those calories? Well about an hour on the elliptical trainer at a moderate pace would do the trick! So after an hour of boring cardio, you are back to square one. You probably won't lose weight at all especially if you added the fries and soft drink. Large fries would be an extra 570 calories and a large non-diet soft drink would be an extra 310 calories. So how much exercise would you have to do to burn 1,400+ calories? Let's not even go there!

It is Easier to Create a Large Calorie Deficit Through Dieting

The best way to lose weight is through creating a large daily calorie deficit. The goal is to for your body to use more calories each day than what it consumes. If you wanted to lose a pound of fat on your body, you have to create a 3,500 calorie deficit over time. If you wanted to lose 2 pounds per week that would be a deficit of 7,000 calories over a week...or a daily calorie deficit of 1,000. Do you know it takes close to 2 hours of moderate cardio to burn 1,000 calories. The best plan is not to eat those calories in the first place!

Fat Loss Isn't Quite This Simple

The body is actually much more complex than simply responding precisely to a calorie deficit. There are WAY more variables that come into play when it comes to fat loss; the type of food you eat, the timing of your meals, the metabolic effect of exercise, the muscle sparing effect of resistance training, etc. There are a lot of things that come into the fat loss picture that I'm not addressing here.

Diet Play a Bigger Role in Fat Loss Than Most People Realize

If you are eating a bunch of calories, a large part of your time spent in the gym is a waste. What is crazy is that over 80% of all articles in fitness magazines focus on exercise, while diet is the key to getting a great looking body. I am a HUGE believer in regular exercise, I just think that diet is what is holding most people back from hitting their goals.

Diet is What Makes Your Cardio Much More Effective

Show me an overweight person who works outs hard 5 times a week and I will show you a person who doesn't eat well! The mistake people often make in gyms is that they copy the workout routine of a person who is in great shape. The real reason that person is in great shape is because of their clean diet. True weight loss happens "behind the scenes". Working out speeds along the process, but the foundation of a great body is in a clean diet.

Bonus: Here is a Way to Increase Your Self-Discipline

Want to make sure you eat well as well as exercise? Plan to exercise later in the day and make yourself eat well to "prepare your body" to get the most out of your cardio workout. When you eat lower calories leading up to your workout, your body will burn fat for energy. If you eat strictly all day that workout will do wonders for you. So what happens if you don't "feel like" exercising once the evening rolls around? Well, you just spent all day preparing your body to get the most out of exercising. It would be foolish to miss this great window of opportunity when it comes to burning off unwanted body fat. You will find that you will naturally find the self-discipline to exercise more, the stricter you are with your diet. This is how to truly transform your body!

About the Author
Want a slim and toned body like Jessica Alba or Will Smith? Learn the Diet and Exercise techniques of Hollywood's Hottest Actors and Actresses. Click here for expert, up-to-date, Fitness Tips!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Vegetarian Nutritional Needs

A vegetarian diet is not necessarily healthy or less fattening. Simply eliminating meat does NOT mean you are healthier. Cutting out your meat consumption DOES have beneficial effects on your body. However, to make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs, please follow these tips:
*Avoid junk food. Candy, cookies, cakes, fries, and cheesy pizzas make vegetarians fat, too! Also, many instant or pre-cooked vegetarian meals are very high in fat. (check food labels)

*Don't fry with fat. If you must fry with fat use a fat-spray, or fry with soy sauce, lemon juice, water, or fruit juice.

*Make sure your daily diet includes a wide variety of foods. Why? Because no single plant food is as nutritious as meat. If you do not eat meat, you must find a variety of plant alternatives to provide the same healthy level of nutrition.

When you eliminate meat from your diet, your body will probably be nutrient-deficient in some areas. This can cause your body to become tired and sluggish.

Nutrients normally found in animal products that are not always found in a vegetarian diet include: iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc and protein. Below are vegetarian foods that contain these nutrients:

*Iron - Cashews, tomato juice, rice, tofu, lentils, and garbanzo beans (chick peas).

*Calcium - Dairy products, fortified soymilk, fortified orange juice, tofu, kale, and broccoli.

*Vitamin D - Fortified milk and soymilk, and fortified cereals (or a small amount of sunlight).

*Vitamin B12 - Eggs, dairy products, and fortified soymilk, cereals, tempeh, and miso. Tempeh and miso are foods made from soybeans. They are low in calories and fat and high in protein.

*Zinc - Whole grains (especially the germ and bran of the grain), eggs, dairy products, nuts, tofu, leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, cabbage), and root vegetables (onions, potatoes, carrots, celery, radishes).

*Protein - Vegetarians must eat a variety of plant foods over the course of a day to get enough protein. Plant foods that have the most protein are lentils, tofu, nuts, seeds, tempeh, miso, and peas.

Get to know your local health-food store or health food section of your favorite grocery store. If you are not familiar with some of the above foods, get advice! Visit your local health-food store and ask them for advice on cooking and storage. Most stores are extremely helpful and offer all sorts of help.

Teach yourself about nutrition. Vegetarian eating is becoming much more common. Libraries and bookshops are full of leaflets and books about healthy eating for non-meat eaters. The Internet is a great source of information, too. Take advantage!

Consider vitamin and mineral supplements. A balanced vegetarian diet contains all the nutrition you need. However, if (for any reason) your diet is not balanced, or if you feel tired, ask your doctor whether supplements are appropriate for you.

Make sure you get enough exercise. Move your body! To burn calories, any kind of movement, whether it's walking, climbing stairs, dancing, or mowing the lawn, will help enhance your body's ability to burn fat and increase your metabolism. Increasing your metabolism will, in turn, help you lose weight faster.

Power walking, jogging, running, elliptical training, bicycling and swimming are all considered to be the most simple but most effective aerobic exercises that will put your body in fat-burning mode. These types of exercises that require continuous, smooth movements force your body to burn a higher percentage of calories from fat. Plus, your body will continue to burn calories for up to an hour after the activity stops.


Remember, simple daily aerobic exercise and a nutritious diet are the keys to maintaining a healthy, fat-burning body regardless of your age, your dietary lifestyle or your fitness level. Even if you can only devote 15 minutes a day to some kind of physical movement, it will benefit your body tremendously.

If You Would Like Additional Information On Healthy Ways To Lose Weight, Learn How To Burn Fat With One Of The Most Effective Fat-Burning Systems Available, The BURN THE FAT Program.

About the Author
Chris Chenoweth writes articles pertaining to diet, exercise, health and business.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jumping rope and bodyweight training will melt off fat and build a lean muscular body

Today everyone is trying to lose weight, and this is totally wrong- we need to focus on fat loss not weight lose.
Almost everyone is wrong in the way they attempt to change their physical appearance, if you think that by starving yourself you will reach your fitness goals- you won't, you'll fail in the long run.

The best way to improve your physical appearance is through eating natural foods and exercise, this is the healthiest way to get you to where you want to be.

Bodyweight exercises will build a lean body and burn fat fast and if you want to burn fat even faster try skipping rope.

Jumping rope is a forgotten exercise that only the truly physically fit still use but frowned upon by todays gym rats, the jump rope has been replaced by jogging, treadmills, elliptical trainers, we want to get fit as easy as possible and that's a big reason most of you will fail.

Jumping rope is difficult and takes practice but it's worth it, the benefits are tremendous, and your athletic ability will improve dramatically.

Jumping rope is a total fat burner and for the cost of a good jump rope and using bodyweight exercises you can't beat the fat burning effects and the results you will receive.

Jumping rope is a skill that can be learned with some practice, you will build explosiveness, power, quickness and you'll super-charge your metabolism, you will see the fat start to melt off of your body at a rapid pace.

The results you receive will be a direct result of the foods you eat and the time you spend jumping rope, and the great thing is jumping rope and bodyweight training will give you faster results then any other type of training.

Try a simple Jump rope and bodyweight circuit:

Jump rope 30 seconds. Do 10 pushups. Do 25 jumping jacks. Jump rope 30 seconds.

Repeat this for 5 to 10 minutes.

About the Author
John Grube B.C.S. is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual , The New Expanded version The Wildman Training Course and The Super Strength Playground Training Manual. The Heavy Bag , Picnic Table and Car Training manual For more info

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How to Improve Your Eyesight with Vision-Enhancing Foods

Improving your eyesight can be as simple as any other healthy habit. And you don't have to pay expensive fees to your doctor to know how to improve your eyesight naturally.
Following a healthy diet can do a lot in improving your eyesight. But you must learn about the different nutrients that you need to add into your daily diet to ensure that your eyes get the essential nutrients that they need. The different parts of your eyes such as the lens, retina, macula, etc. require certain nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in order to function better.

If you want to know better ways on how to improve your eyesight, then you should know the different essential nutrients that your eyes need. Vitamins C and E helps in providing your eyes with long-term and healthy vision support. The recommended daily dose of Vitamin A would also ensure that your eyes remain healthy. Pantothenic Acid, which is a part of the B vitamin group, may also help improve the clarity of your vision if taken regularly.

Fruits and vegetables are also a good addition to your diet if you wish to further improve your eyesight. These food groups contain a number of essential nutrients that help ensure the health of your eyes. Learning about substances like flavonoids and carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene may provide you with better insight on how to improve your eyesight.

Carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene accumulate throughout the eye tissues. These substances play important roles in trying to protect the eye tissues in the macula from significant damage done by free radicals. Carotenoids such as zeaxanthin and lutein can be found in corn, leafy vegetables, red grapes and pumpkins. Lycopene, on the other hand, can be found in fruits such as watermelon, apricots, papaya, guava and tomatoes.

Other nutritional supplements such as fish oils may also help improve vision. The cells of your retina contain long chained fatty acids that it uses to maintain normal functioning.

The most significant of these fatty acids found in the retina cells is DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid that can be found in fish oils. DHA may help enhance your visual perception as well as improve color perception and visual depth. Just taking a fish oil supplement everyday that contains essential omega-3 fatty acids may go a long way in helping you to improve your eyesight.

A healthy diet, coupled with regular eye exercises go hand in hand in helping you maintain good eye health.

About the Author
Michael Lee is generously giving away over $2,355.00 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE at for a limited time. Download as many as you want before you miss out!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Three Steps to a Leaner, Stronger Body

Do you have an image of your ideal body in your mind?
Perhaps you'd like to increase the size and strength of your upper body... Or maybe you want to lose that spare tire around your middle... And then again, you may want to look sharp in your business suit for presentations. Whatever it is, this program will transform the image you have in your mind into a reality, if you follow these three steps.

Resistance Training The cornerstone of the program is resistance training. Strength training with free weights is the best way to build muscle to reshape your body. And when you add muscle to your body, you increase your metabolic rate, which means you burn more calories at rest.

The goal of the program is to train your full body, with free weights, three times a week. Multiple studies have shown that performing total body workouts, rather than working isolated body parts on different days, is the most effective way to gain muscle.

Each workout should emphasize foot-based lower body exercises such as the lunge, step-up and squat and upper body exercises which include the push-up, pull-up and overhead press. These exercises involve multiple joints, so you work several muscles at once which stimulates the most muscle growth.

Interval Training Without a doubt interval training is the fastest and most effective way to lose fat. One reason is that intervals cause your body to release growth hormone, the anti-aging hormone which signals the body to burn fat and grow muscle. Researchers report that a 30 second all-out sprint can increase growth hormone by as much as 530 percent.

Swimming, inline skating, power-walking, cycling and running the steps at your local college stadium are all ways to perform intervals. You can also use your favorite cardio machine - the stair stepper, treadmill, cycle, or elliptical trainer.

Each workout begins with a 10 minute warm-up. Then sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds and alternate each sprint with 90 seconds of lower-intensity activity. Start with eight or ten intervals and then gradually work your way up. This program works best if performed every other day with at least one day of rest a week.

Low-Carb Diet Contrary to conventional wisdom, many studies have shown that it's not dietary fat that's converted into body fat; it's carbohydrates that are converted into fat by the action of insulin. Many experts agree that most overweight people became overweight because of a condition known as hyperinsulinemia, or elevated insulin levels in the blood.

Whenever you eat a high-carbohydrate meal, the increased blood sugar stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas. Insulin is the hormone that allows blood sugar to be used by the cells, but it also causes fat to be deposited in fat cells and stimulates the brain to produce hunger signals. So restricting your intake of carbohydrates makes it a lot easier to drop fat.

While there are many different versions of the low-carb diet, I recommend the diet that we evolved on - the hunter-gatherer diet. This diet was mostly animal based. The protein was derived from wild game and fish. The carbohydrates came from fresh fruits and vegetables. And the main sources of fat were wild animals, fish and nuts.

About the Author
Article by Mikki Reilly, BA, MFS, of FitnessTransform. Visit her web site,, and her blog, for the the most up-to-date news, information and tips that will help you transform your health, fitness and overall quality of life.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Celebrity Workouts: How the Stars Perform their Cardio

Have you ever wondered how the most gorgeous celebrities maintain their to-die-for shapes?
Yes, there are a handful who take the "easy (but not exactly safe) way out" with surgical procedures, but a great majority of them actually work on their bodies.

Here is a peek at some of these famous women's cardio routines:

>> Jessica Simpson and Heidi Klum

Both beauties performed intensive cardio and strength training.

Jessica worked her way to a more shapely butt which she needed in the filming of "Dukes of Hazzard" while supermodel Heidi had to shed off the fat she gained after giving birth so that she could show off her curves for a Victoria's Secret modeling stint.

>> Angelina Jolie

Before the filming of "Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life," where she performed a lot of stunts herself, Angelina took on a specially-designed regimen that included kickboxing, wall climbing, bungee ballet, and scuba diving.

>> Thalia Sodi

This voluptuous Mexican singer/actress wall-climbs to achieve a firm gluteus. This activity is very demanding and firms up unsightly flabs in your limbs. She also does yoga.

>> Oprah Winfrey

We've seen her weight yo-yo through the years - from unhealthy-looking obesity to an alarming thinness. Today she has found her middle ground, and certainly looks like the millions of dollars she's actually worth!

Oprah follows a strict diet and exercise regimen: six days of cardio and six days of strength training, plus outdoor activities on Sundays.

>> "Friends" co-stars Courtney Cox and Jennifer Anniston

These charming gals practice a mix of martial arts and yoga to achieve those enviable bodies we see on TV.

>> Jessica Alba

One of the "most searched" on the Internet and currently also a top-grosser in poster sales, this star of the blockbuster movie "The Fantastic Four" used to have big self-image issues, coming from a heavily overweight family.

She has admitted to having an eating disorder years back, but is now on the right track with a daily 45-60 minute workout routine.

She starts out by working the elliptical machine or the treadmill for 10 to 15 minutes until her heart rate goes up to about 180 bpm. This is followed by 50 crunches and lunges, before she returns to the machine for an additional 10 minutes.

>> Meg Ryan, Julianne Moore, and Reese Witherspoon

They all follow a strict diet plus a combination of 6 days of cardio and 5 days of weight training.

>> Jennifer Lopez

Aside from a clean lifestyle (she neither smokes nor drinks), this sultry singer/actress maintains her "legendary backside" with this routine: On a power treadmill, reach the speed you regularly work with after a brief warm-up.

Next, begin to increase the incline one grade at a time until you reach that point where you feel uncomfortable. Afterwards, do the reverse and start descending one grade at a time. Devote about 20 minutes for an entire cycle to tone your muscles and burn a considerable amount of calories.

Although they do their cardio year-round, celebrities work doubly hard in the weeks leading up to a special event, such as the Oscars, as it's the most anticipated season of "showing the world what you've got."

You, too, can use their techniques if you're gearing up for a wedding, an awards night, or a class reunion! Simply follow these steps:

1. About 2 weeks prior to the event, increase your exercise duration (add about 15 minutes per session), intensity (go up the levels when using machines), and frequency (do your cardio at least 5-6 times a week).

2. One week before the event, pay special attention to your diet. Cut down on alcohol, salt, and sugar to help you look and feel lean. Doing so will also provide you with that much-needed energy for your more intensive workouts.

3. The day before the event, take in only complex carbs and lean protein. Don't consume too much fruit and vegetables to keep from feeling gassy and bloated.

4. On the day itself, it won't hurt to take a brisk walk for about 30-45 minutes. It would be better to walk along a hilly trail to tighten your legs and burn more calories.

When you do your cardio daily, having a celebrity body will only be icing on the cake. The most important thing is that as your heart, lungs, and muscles improve their performance, you'll inevitably feel good about yourself.

About the Author
Mohamed Jamal is founder of a fresh look into women fitness and tips with downloadable special reports that could boost your next workout.

Visit to see the latest special reports and tips.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fat-Burning Exercise: The Key to a Fitter and Healthier You

Being physically fit is the key to having a healthy body well into your senior years. You want to be up and about when you're 80, not confined to a bed or a wheelchair. And it doesn't take a miracle, either. All you have to do is practice a regular fitness routine and follow that up with a healthy diet. If you have a diet that is big on fast food coupled with little or no regular physical exercise, then you are definitely headed for trouble in your golden years. You might not even make it that long. Check out the national statistics for heart disease, and read the studies relating cardiovascular health to diet and fitness. So don't wait, get on your feet and do something about it.
It's a sure sign of poor fitness when you start seeing yourself get love handles. Not only is that bad for your health, it's rather unattractive and embarrassing to have fat bulging from the sides. They may be called love handles, but we can hardly say that we love having them. In fact, what we would dearly love is to get rid of them and have a lean and healthy figure. If that's your goal, then your fitness program should definitely be oriented towards fat-burning exercise.

What does that mean, exactly? Well, first of all purge your mind of those images of musclebound juggernauts pumping iron. Weight training is great for fitness, of course, but it is more effective for such goals as muscle increase and body shaping. But if your focus is on weight loss, then you should put more of your time and energy into fat-burning exercises, those that involve a good cardiovascular workout.

The good thing to note is that there is a great variety in cardio fitness exercises. To run down the list, we can mention aerobics, biking, swimming, running, squash, and badminton. We can go on, but you must get the idea. You can also get the right training by using an elliptical machine, a fitness treadmill, or a stationary bike. With all the options available to you, there is sure to be one form of training that you will like. It doesn't really matter what it is, as long as it becomes a regular part of your life's routine.

If you can afford it, I suggest you hire yourself a personal fitness trainer. Self-motivation will always be important, but it is even better if you have someone who can personally oversee your training and offer you encouragement when you need it. Another advantage of getting a personal trainer is having someone who can design a fitness program to fit your lifestyle. You are sure to burn fat off more quickly, and the cost to you would certainly be worth the result of gaining a more attractive figure and a longer and healthier life.

About the Author
J. Ducat invites you to read his articles about how to Get In Shape an more available at

Saturday, January 12, 2008

What is Thalassotherapy?

The term Thalassotherapy came from the Greek word thalassos which means "sea". Thalassotherapy, as a practice, originated in beach municipalities in Brittany, France in the 19th century. Thalassotherapy is the therapeutic use of seawater, and is commonly used to address skin problems and conditions.
Thalassotherapy is intended to tone, moisturize and invigorate the skin and body while enhancing circulation. Seawater contains many healthy nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium sulphates. These nutrients can be absorbed directly through our pores.

The benefits of seawater can be enjoyed using a variety of methods such as bathing in warm seawater, applying seawater in the form of a mud or algae paste, or it can be taken through inhalation. Seawater and sea salts are often present in shower gel, bath salts, mud baths, seaweed wraps, and mud packs.

Thalassotherapy has many benefits. Seawater therapy relaxes and heals as it gently cleanses the skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite, boosts the immune system, and improves the quality of sleep.

Thalassotherapy is believed to treat people with circulatory problems such as hypertension and arteriosclerosis; respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis; muscle atrophy and forms chronic inflammation such as rheumatic arthritis.

If it's your first time to try Thalassotherapy, there are a few things you should expect. If you choose the seaweed wrap, you will be wrapped for 1hour in seaweed, which is often soaked in herbs prior to your visit. After the wrapping, you will be massaged by the therapist to stimulate circulation.

First, find a spa near you that offers Thalassotherapy. If you are still undecided on which method you prefer, call the spa and ask them more information and for recommendations. You should seek the advice of health professionals before trying any new treatment. Your Therapist might question you about your health background to ensure the treatment is appropriate and safe.

About the Author
The San Francisco Bath Salt Company's slogan is "Relaxing The World One Bath at a Time". We specialize in luxury bath salts for skincare and relaxation with the overall goal of improving health through bathing. Our website is a powerful resource of information about bathing and contains many more articles and our daily bathing blog. for more information visit or visit our resource section