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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How Effective is Lyprinol as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent?

When our bodies undergo biological, physical, or chemical injury, the process of inflammation is its normal reaction. Generally, it helps repair or regenearate the damaged cells and tissues. But in some cases, the inflammatory process overshoots and does more harm than good. This is where Lyprinol comes in.
Lyprinol is a stabilized marine extract made from a combination of the highly regarded Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and other lipid groups. Because of its impressive anti-inflammatory properties, several researches have been conducted to check its safety and efficacy. Lyprinol has passed these tests with flying colors.

What are some of the instances when excessive inflammatory responses become harmful? A common case is the condition osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis) wherein low-grade inflammation is coupled with pain in the joints.

It affects the "wear and tear" joints of the hands, feet, knees, shoulders, back, hips, and elbows. Pain is experienced because the cartilage that is supposed to act as a cushion between the joints is worn and the condition is aggravated by several years of hard work and, at times, injury.

When a signal is received to initiate inflammation, one of the biomolecular mechanisms that take place is the conversion of arachidonic acid into inflammation-aiding substances. This process happens via two pathways: the cyclo-oxygenase (COX) pathway which results in the formation of thromboxanes and prostaglandins, and the 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway which forms leukotrienes.

The latter's products (LTB 4, and its metabolites LTC 4, LTD 4, and LTE 4) are potent inflammation supporters. The anti-inflammatory drugs we use today are known to inhibit the cyclo-oxygenase pathway, thus leaving the 5-lipoxygenase pathway products free to actively support the inflammatory process.

When this happens, the LTB 4 metabolites thrive and may possibly give rise to damaging inflammation. They are powerful bronchoconstricting agents and could could even bring the patient into anaphylactic shock.

Because of this, scientists will stop at nothing to find a treatment which effectively inhibits the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. They then discovered Lyprinol, an extract from the New Zealand green-lipped mussels, which effectively and safely impedes the 5-lipoxygenase pathway.

When these harmful leukotrienes are inhibited with the stable Lyprinol, persistent and damaging inflammation is markedly reduced.

When compared with other products of the same nature, Lyprinol can boast of remarkable results:

In a study published in the journal, "Inflammopharmacology," Lyprinol was tested to be 100x more powerful than Max EPA; 125x more effective than green-lipped musel powder; 175x more powerful than salmon oil or evening primrose oil; and 200x more effective than flax oil in the treatment of joint inflammation relative to arthritis.

About the Author
Do you suffer from an inflammatory condition such as arthritis or asthma? Are you looking for a natural arthritis pain relief? Learn how you can manage the pain in a safe and effective way with the help of Lyprinol.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Progressing Acne Treatments Solution

Before I start to tell you about the ongoing venture that my life has taken with acne I think it would be best if I introduced myself to you. My name is Michael; I am what I think you would consider your "average teenager" if such a thing is possible. A lot of people think of individuals with acne to be geeks, nerds, or those that tend to not be very social and of that is summarized in two words - an 'artificial stereotype'. I have played soccer my whole life, been introduced to website and graphic design, and am a very outgoing person who occasionally goes to parties when I am not busy. Most importantly if I wrote an autobiography the first image that came to your mind would not be my face with acne, but I among many other "average teens" have had acne and I still do. I didn't write this to rant about my case of acne, but to inform you of what steps I have taken to reduce this disease. Before I go one, i must recommend that you read
When I first started showing signs of acne when I was a young teenager I was the least bit pleased because I was the one that always watched the TV shows and movies of the typical school nerd that has glasses and had a severe case of acne - I didn't want that to be me. Then, when taking showers I would rub the washcloth firmly against my head to try to get rid of the acne. The only thing that I succeeded at was to make my head red and sensitive from the friction. From that moment on I knew that I needed to seek out medical assistance, but I didn't want to because to me it is a cosmetic issue and I didn't think that is something guys should be doing.

We then started to order Clearpores which showed progress at a very minimal. They had all of cleaners, treatments, moisturizers, etc. but after using Murad for several months it seemed as if acne would be a problem for me the rest of my life. I then went to a dermatologist of whom I am still seeing and have been for about two years now. I have been prescribed Cephalexin (a substitution for Keflex), BenzaClin, and Clindamycin (a substitution for Cleocin-T). The Cephalexin is a 500mg pill which I was first prescribed to take three times a day; now I am only taking one a day. I use Clindamycin in the mornings as a cleanser and BenzaClin before I go to bed as drying agent for any "new pimples". My dermatologist wanted to slowly take me off of the pills so that I just didn't stop taking three pills a day as he predicted that if it removed the acne it would come recur.

There are various conditions that can affect the health of your skin, and you can't always just give up on a product if it isn't showing immediate progression. The weather plays a large part as in the summer the medications results improve; while in the winter your skin may get very dry and although you may not have a lot of acne activity your skin will become very irritated especially for guys when shaving (I advise using a shaving cream or gel that is for sensitive skin and moisturizes). I wish I had taken a picture of my face when I had a really bad case of acne to show you what it looks like now because I can't describe how much better my face looks as the memories of what it did look like were some that I was not proud of and I can't describe to you accurately the condition of my skin.

About the Author
I am an ongoing sufferer of acne, and very experienced with different acne treatments and products that will help cure your acne. I recommend you read acne free in 3 days, and try ClearPores Acne treatments

Everyone's Favorite Weight Loss Tips

Everyone has his or her favorite weight loss tip to pass along to anyone who will listen or pay. The question is, DOES IT REALLY WORK? Bet you have heard some doozies! Me too.
Most people's favorite has to be the Ice Cream Diet! Can you imagine losing weight by eating all the ice cream you want?! Great work if you can get it! Another all time favorite is the pickles diet. Eat just pickles. And lose weight. Of course you do increase your salt intake by a 1000-fold too, which is definitely not good for you. The all protein diet is very popular also. The problem with it is that your body is using up muscle mass along with the fat. Not too good for the heart and internal organs. Or maybe your diet guru wants you try a pill. Pills are nice. They are easy and convenient; and it gives you someone to blame if your weight loss attempt does not work.

If you really, truly, honestly want to lose weight there is no one single thing you can do. It takes work. Hard work! It takes a series of steps, lifestyle changes, healthy living choices, and a roadmap of how to get there.

Every journey starts with a single step. Your first step is to want weight loss and a change in your health and vitality. Studies show that you can improve your health by losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds, or 5 to 10 percent of your body weight. This may help improve many of the problems linked to being overweight, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Think of all the things you still want to do… and the things that are important to you like family, travel, leisure activities, career, relationships, etc. Wouldn't all those things be improved with a slimmer and healthier you?

Take the time and be all you can be. Weight loss and healthy living is not a one time, quick fix. It is a journey, a lifestyle change for the better. It is the way to get out of the endless circle of diets, emotion ups and downs, craving food for comfort not sustenance, self fulfilled failures, and self-loathing. You do not have to stay on this treadmill to nowhere.

The second step is research. Read all you can. Fortunately nowadays you can have the information of the world at your fingertips on the Internet. Look past the ads and claims to the substance of the message. Most of the plans have verbiage like: eat a reduced-calorie diet, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise, exercise program needed, and watch your fat intake. You can learn to eat right, exercise, and watch your calories without buying a book, taking a pill, or buying prepared food from a diet vendor. It shouldn't cost you to learn to take control of your life. If you give the control to someone else by following blindly their path, you will forever have to continue to pay them for what they provide you.

The third step is action. You can hope that change will come to you, or you can work towards it. You can learn to do it yourself so that you are in control of your health and fitness future. Go on; take the action now to change your health, life, and future!

Take care of yourself and love yourself.

Frances Lewis

About the Author
Frances Lewis operates, an educational and informational blog about health and weight loss. She is a 30+-year veteran of the health services business. Now she devotes her full time educating and helping people reach their ideal body weight. Frances has always had a passion for teaching and education. She helps others to gain control of their health and their weight. Her new FREE weight loss roadmap teac

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Truth about American Lifestyle

Citizens of our great and prosperous nation are proud to be living the "American Lifestyle" right? Well let's take a closer look and examine the truth about this desired lifestyle.
Lifestyle defined: A person's pattern of living as expressed by their interests, motivations, activities, desired experiences, and beliefs.

Americans have a commonly known divorce rate that is reaching nearly 60%, yet there is no class in our school system that prepares us for marriage. Family dysfunction is expected, yet again, not prepared for. Our citizens work harder on their jobs then they do on their family, sacrificing necessary time and attention in order to be the model employee (in order to keep their job). The media exposes our youth to adult content as early as possible in order to condition their minds, control their judgment and thinking patterns and thus control their spending dollars at earlier ages. The American youth is finding it more and more difficult to emulate role models in the family and look outside the family for direction. The roll of the Father figure is increasingly diminished and the traditional role of the Mother is laughed at by the media. TV has become a hypodermic needle for the media to inject its family destroying messages, as a huge number of Americans, by the tens of millions, are addicted to TV like a drug. The media has become the catalyst for exercising our emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, joy, etc) as we place more importance and value on the make-believe situations of TV programs then the reality of our personal lives. With the help of the media, we are loosing control of our time, our agenda, our priorities, out morals, and loosing the will to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR LIVES!

Americans are constantly encouraged to consume food that is killing them! Especially children, when you consider the garbage offered to them through marketing and media. HEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS has become a pestering reminder that we are indeed supposed to take responsibility for our health, what we eat, and frequency of exercise. Convenience and cost has become the priority in determining what we eat to satisfy the hunger of our one and only vessel, the human body, which keeps us fit to survive in our environment, however, convenience and cost is also the clever way to keep the truth hidden from us. There is an alarming increasing rate of overweight, under nourished, unhealthy, uneducated (on the subject of nutrition) citizens in our country. Most American citizens are completely blind to the correlation between what you put in your mouth and what impact it has on you physically and mentally. There is an increasing rate of health related diseases as we are dying younger and turn to pharmaceuticals, not nutrition, to keep us alive. WE ARE DYING FROM WHAT WE PUT IN OUR MOUTHS!

Our citizens are scarcely taught financial fundamentals and therefore poorly plan for a secure financial future. By the age of 65 most of us will be flat broke! With the many superficial distractions that take our attention away from the significance of focusing on our personal prosperity, it's no wonder that from the time we enter the work force until the time we leave it, we have not found out how to become financially secure in the most prosperous nation there ever was! Americans are stressed out, maxed out, and pimped out. We are encouraged to spend our money on doodads and lifestyle, rather than save our money for retirement. Most of the types of plans commonly used for savings are insufficient to sustain a quality of life in retirement. Americans earn and have more today then they did in the previous generations, but also have more debt and stress then the previous generations. With the never ending necessity to commit most of our waking hours to working in order to pay bills, credit cards, and maintain this American Lifestyle, is it any wonder why we are loosing our families, our health, and or peace of mind.

This downward spiral of self destruction that many American prescribe to is perpetually ingrained in to the psyche of our citizens. Though the solutions to changing this paradigm are complicated we must first raise the awareness of these patterns of existence in hopes that Americans will wake up to see the TRUTH of their behavior, actions and philosophies. We must get our priorities in order so we can make better decisions and use better judgment with regard to what is really important in life. Family, health, and finances are some of the major areas in life that we have to apply a laser focus, for if we loose site of these areas then a miserable life will surely be achieved. Once we raise this awareness, we can then start on the journey of changing from the life we settle for to the life of unlimited possibilities.

Randy C. Wilson

About the Author
It's never too soon or too late to change your life for the better. Please visit for more information on how you can have the life of your dreams. ~ Randy C. Wilson

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Arthritis Gloves - At Last, Relief From the Pain of Hand Arthritis

You've got that nagging pain in your finger joints again. Blast this arthritis! Many people are now discovering an aid to the overcoming the discomfort of this crippling condition - arthritis gloves. Why stop doing the things that you love like sewing or playing golf just because of arthritis in your hands?
These gloves work by providing warmth and gentle compression. The warmth is naturally generated from the skin and directed back to the body. This helps to increase blood flow to the fingers that brings oxygen and nutrients to the area to help repair any damaged tissues. The compression helps to reduce any inflammation, which is a significant cause of arthritis pain.

If you are on the look out for some of these gloves, here is a quick guide to some of the features you should consider.

Are they anatomically fitted? The purpose of the gloves is to provide mild compression and to keep the heat in. For this to be effective you have to have a product that is well engineered to fit snugly to the body.

Do they come in a range of sizes? This is not the sort of product where a one-size-fits-all will work. You want a product that is made to your size. Remember you could be wearing it for long periods so make sure they are comfortable.

Full or fingerless? This is your choice. If you want a glove that you can wear at night you may want to opt for a full glove. On the other hand you may find that a fingerless glove is more practical for wearing through the day. This will still provide warmth but you will find it easier to carry out your day-to-day chores.

What sort of fabric? You don't want sweat to build up inside your arthritis gloves so choose a breathable fabric. Also daytime gloves should ideally have a textured finish to help you grip things. If you start dropping things like cups and saucers you won't use your gloves for very long.

Arthritis gloves are very easy to use and don't need batteries or any outside source of heat to provide the warmth. And at a time where there is an increasing concern about the side effects of the various treatments on offer, you'll be glad to know that there are no side effects with these gloves.

About the Author
Know somebody who is suffering from the discomfort of rheumatoid arthritis? Tips on how to live with this illness can be found at There's also tips on rheumatoid arthritis pain relief.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Goji Berry Juice Benefits

Testimonials are great, see if you can speak to someone that has some. I had results with the version of goji berry juice I drink in my first week. I have been on it for 1 year and I've switched brands a couple times and I always come back to the one I'm taking now. I am a walking testimonial of the product. So don't be scared to give it a try, I promise you won't feel worse. It's safe for everyone as well, even babies and pregnant women.

Some people are skeptical towards the health improvement they will receive but at the end of the day what are you scared of? Just give it a try and have an open mind. It's the most ancient written about health product we as man kind know about. Now thanks to science we have goji berry juice which is just a super version of the berry.

The main thing you need to be aware of is that not all goji berry juice is created equal. People get confused with all the marketing and hype that's out there but just don't take everything at face value. There are lots of clinical research out there on lycium barbarum (goji) but beware of the products that have no studies done on their actual product. Scientific backing is only good if it's been done on their specific product. So ask the company what research has been done on their product and not on general goji berry juice.

Whatever product you are taking make sure you are consistent with the dosages. Try and take it at least one hour before your coffee in the morning and as well right before you go to sleep.

It is true that not all goji berry juice will yield the same results however with a careful eye it's not hard to find the best ones. You really just have to look for the products that focus on the 4 unique polysaccharides that exist within the juice. It is these polysaccharides that give the benefits. An inferior goji berry juice will have less polysaccharides in perfect harmonious balance than a product that is superior. So when reading the marketing material from one product to another take note as to how they ensure the polysaccharides are intact and in perfect balance for their goji berry juice.

Kaden Van-Masters

About the Author
Author on the benefits of Goji Berry Juice.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Homemade Hair Dyes

Commercial hair dyes may make coloring your hair easy, but at a price. They can be harsh on the hair, leaving it damaged and brittle. There are many common household ingredients that can be used to create homemade hair dye solutions. You probably have some of them in your pantry right now. The ingredients you use will depend on the color you want to achieve. There are many different products that can be used to color your hair. Many of these items are probably in your kitchen right now. For example, you can use food coloring or powdered drink mix to color your hair temporarily.
To try and remove hair dye stains, simply rub toothpaste, preferably the kind that contains scrubbing granules, on the area. If your goal is to cover grey hairs, try making a mixture of rosemary and sage. Mix the ingredients in water and allow them to simmer for about a half hour. Once it has simmered, remove the pan from the heat and allow the mixture to steep for a few hours. Apply to the hair and let it dry completely. Then wash and rinse your hair with your normal shampoo. When it has dried, you will see the results. Made from such products, homemade hair dye can be used to produce everything from bright yellow to deep red or blue, without the unpleasant effects of typical hair dye chemicals.

Another homemade hair dye can be created using walnut husks and water. To have this dye, merely boil the husks in water for about 15 minutes. After boiling, stress the mix and take the liquid to distort your hair. This homemade hair dye is better for making brown hair darker. Kool-Aid beverage mixture is a favorite favourite for making homemade hair dye in shameful colors. Another manner to wrap gray is to take walnut husks. This component works better for brown hair. Mix and simmer on the stove for a half minute. Allow the mix to precipitous for a minute or then until chilly. Apply the tone to the hair and permit it to dry. Then wash the tone from the hair. People with susceptible rind who need to withdraw hair dye stains should put in a professional hair dye remover. They can be establish in beauty supply stores or bought immediately from a hair salon.

Dishwashing soap can effectively remove hair dye stains, especially when mixed with either baking soda or lemon juice. Simply rub over the area until the stains fade. If you want to be a red head, consider using kool aid for your homemade hair dye. This gives a very vibrant shade of red, depending on how it is done. Mix the powder with a little water and apply to the hair. Allow the mixture to sit on the hair. The timing will depend on how bright you want the color. You can reapply this mixture if you want the red to be a darker shade. There are tons of homemade hair dye recipes to be found on the Internet. A simple search can yield thousands of interesting ideas. Keep in mind that some recipes are meant to enhance your natural hair color or cover grey hair, while others are meant to provide a completely different look.

About the Author
Get information on hairstyles, hair trends and hair care, including sections dealing with punk hairstyles and bob haircuts.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


As you're looking some information on Vitalzym, there're so many information floating around on the internet, some will give you better understanding, others just give you more headaches, and confusions. I know that you try to search for the latest information, and then compare them, which is good, so you'll have enough prior knowledge. This article will give you some more insight answers about it, positive and negative point a views, perhaps will answer your questions whether this Vitalzym is really that effective and safe for person who need it.
Vitalzym is systemic enzyme therapy. They use the term "systemic" because the mix enzymes inside Vitalzym will support throughout your body in every system and organ. And this's different from digestive enzymes that are used to conduct their actions in the stomach to digest food, while systemic enzymes are designed to survive the stomach's acid. This way they pass through the stomach into the intestines, where they are absorbed into the body, that allow the Vitalzym to go to the whole system and organ, and give us full benefits.

In case you don't know, enzymes are the fundamental and essential to human. They do a lot of important things. Without them people will never live. Something that you have to understand, according to the study, when people are over 27 years old, its production start decrease. When it happens, the body tends to have minor break down to your growth, digestion, breathing, reproduction and most other function. It will get worse if you do nothing about that. This is why as we age our wounds heal with thicker, less pliable, weaker and very visible scars.

Some people prefer to use Vitalzym to lowered their pain, instead of using aspirin, ibuprofen, celebrex, viox and the rest of the non steroidial anti inflammatory drugs because of the drug side affects. Another fact is as physicians in the US are now discovering, even old scar tissue can be "eaten away" from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis, and kidney fibrosis even keloid years after their formation using it. There are still many health problems that can be cure using this system.

Is Vitalzym safe ? According to manufacturer it's 100% natural, it's derived from the plant. You need to pay attention to the recommended dosage for your health problem in order to get full benefit from this enzyme therapy, or it won't do you any affects. If you don't know, it's better to consult that with your health physician. Remember to read the warning too, it's so important. It says you can't use the product if you are a hemophiliac or are on prescription blood thinners like coumadin, heparin and plavix.

Since many people have experienced great benefit from Vitalzym systemic enzymes, and perhaps your friend also recommends this enzyme therapy, still it's gonna your own decision because you're the only boss here. The important things are you should take care your own body, do the best for them, willing to do the necessary things so you can live your life best. According to the producer this Vitalzym is definitely for everybody, not just for sick people. Hope this will give you clear explanation and help others who really need Vitalzym.

About the Author
D. Suharsono is a professional writer. I spend many hours doing research on Vitalzym , digging deep enough on the topic. Take advantages of my research (include the good & the bad things) by visiting

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lung Cancer

Accounting about for 14% of all cancers and 28% of all cancer deaths, Lung Cancer is now the major cause of deaths (of both men and women) in the United States apart from being the most prevalent species of cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the American population and the western world. Keep yourself abreast of facts about lung cancer, as the statistics of affliction are staggering and in most cases, lung cancer can even be prevented.
Another surprising finding is that if your parents smoked in the house during your childhood and adolescence, your risk of lung cancer is double as an adult even if you yourself don't smoke. Although we don't know our individual genetic risk for developing lung cancer, and we can't readily quit our toxic jobs or turn back the clock on our exposure to cigarette smoke, we can take some very effective and simple steps to protect ourselves and dramatically reduce our risk for lung cancer, the number one cause of cancer deaths. Smoking or inhaling second hand smoke, environmental exposures such as asbestos and radon gas, and a family history of lung cancer increase the risk of an individual getting lung cancer.

If a person smokes a pack a day, they have twenty times the risk of getting lung cancer or some other serious health problem than a person who doesn't smoke at all. When smokers quit smoking, their risk for getting lung cancer goes down immediately and continues to decrease every year that they don't smoke. Also known as passive smoking, people exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis will have a higher risk of developing lung cancer, even if they do not smoke themselves.

Erionite was mentioned for the first time as a mesothelioma lung cancer risk factor in 1975, when Turkish government presented a study that uncovered a high incidence of a rare malignant mesothelioma in lung tissues of people in certain small villages in the Cappadocia area in Turkey's central mountainous region. Results from imaging scans, tissue biopsies, pulmonary function tests, and other diagnostic techniques, combined with the findings from a careful medical history help to define the course of treatment in Mesothelioma lung cancer. Earlier on, treatment of lung cancer was not an easy thing to do, owing to the huge amount of expenses in the form of medical bills, hospital stays fees, etc.

Past Cancer Treatment: Researchers in Sweden who looked at the medical records of 140,000 breast cancer patients found that there was an increase of lung cancer 5 to 20 years after breast cancer treatment. Small cell lung cancer, which is found in about 20 percent of lung cancer patients, is more aggressive and more likely to have spread by the time of diagnosis. Non-small cell lung cancer, which accounts for about 80 percent of lung cancer cases, is treated depending on its stage at diagnosis.

Andenocarcinoma accounts for about 40 percent of lung cancer cases in the U. Bronchioloalvealar cancer arises in even more remote areas of the lung and accounts for fewer than 5% of the total number of cases of lung cancer. There are other rare cancers, but they represent a very small percentage (less than 5%) of the total number of cases of lung cancer diagnosed.

People with non-small cell lung cancer tend to be diagnosed later in the course of their disease, making these a difficult group of cancers to treat. Among all non-small cell lung cancers, this type of lung cancer progresses faster, almost to the level of small cell lung cancer. To avoid being part of the statistics on lung cancer, ensure you will not acquire small cell lung cancer or even the slower non-small cell lung cancer by living a healthy and active lifestyle.

While surgery plays the most important part in the treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, chemotherapy is always the chosen treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer. For more information on lung cancer, the effects of smoking and the treatments available; visit Guide4Living who encourage public discussion on a number of the most pressing health and social issues of our time. About 25 percent of people with lung cancer report no symptoms at the time of diagnosis.

About the Author
For more related information about Lung Cancer, Asbestos Cancer, Pleural Asbestosis Feel free to visit us today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Diet ,Fiber and Liquid Vitamins A Necessity

In a 1996 survey, however, when 1,009 Americans were asked which of five foods--lettuce, asparagus, navy beans, brown rice, and oatmeal--provided the best source of cholesterol-fighting soluble fiber, many missed the mark. While Americans may know they need fiber, they aren't getting enough fiber in their diets is an essential element of a healthy diet.Some fibers are soluble in water and others are insoluble. As it passes through the gastrointestinal tract, soluble fiber binds to dietary cholesterol, helping the body to eliminate it. Antioxidants help prevent cholesterol from being moved out of the blood and into the lining of the blood vessels.
Weight loss is reverting back to a fiber diet. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. The following is a guideline for your cholesterol levels. Acceptable blood cholesteral-180-199. Borderline high blood cholesterol-200-219. 220 or higher-then your blood cholesterol level is too high. If your total blood cholesterol level is greater than 200 (and especially if it is over 220), you should have another test to see what type of cholesterol is high. Fresh fruits, vegetables and unprocessed grain products such as whole-grain breads and cereals are naturally low in fat, cholesterol-free, but rich in starches and dietary fiber. Including more starches and fiber in your diet can help you lower your cholesterol level as well as reduce your risk for obesity, cancer, high blood pressure and other maladies.

This information will guide you towards a fiber rich liquid vitamin with a minimum of 4 grams of fiber per ounce. Do not ignore this, as it is the basis for good health and well being! Today's liquid vitamin nutrition is essential for protecting you & your family against disease.

About the Author
Health and fitness should be a concern for everyone concerned according to Chuck Arnone.

Something About Health

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Healthy You

Good health is important and should be a high priority for everybody. Your health is also shaped by the way in which you respond to the events in your life. Your health is also shaped by the way in which you respond to the events in your life. “Good health is important and should be a high priority for everybody.
Discovery Health Channel announced today that more than 152,000 Americans jump-started healthier living this weekend with the kick-off of its Discovery Health National Body Challenge, a free 12-week initiative that challenges Americans to improve their health and shed extra pounds.


A very important aspect of maintaining a healthy workforce. So spread your health wings, and let the winds of health carry you and your loved ones to a healthy and happy lifestyle. For instance, someone in good health often has a healthy glow about them. You may not pay attention to your health until you get sick. ” Patients bring their suffering to their doctors to obtain healing; to obtain “health. Resources to empower you to partner in your health. Work place health visits can be carried out where particular health/job issues occur, to support risk assessments or surveillance. Discovery Health is a multi-platform offering of the most authoritative, accurate and meaningful health and wellness information available anywhere. Discovery Health is a multi-platform offering of the most authoritative, accurate and meaningful health and wellness information available anywhere.


A very important aspect of maintaining a healthy workforce. Advice can also be given on work related health issues affecting particular groups or individuals, in line with current legislation. Work place health visits can be carried out where particular health/job issues occur, to support risk assessments or surveillance.


“Good health is important and should be a high priority for everybody. So spread your health wings, and let the winds of health carry you and your loved ones to a healthy and happy lifestyle. Advice can also be given on work related health issues affecting particular groups or individuals, in line with current legislation. For instance, someone in good health often has a healthy glow about them. Resources to empower you to partner in your health. You do not need to be a victim of disease or poor health.

Resources to empower you to partner in your health. KC Jackson, WTM

About the Author
KC Jackson owns and operates "World Trade Marketing." Visit his site to find out how you can earn online

Losing Fat Fast: Is it possible

Before you can answer this question is good to know what losing fat means! It means you have to burn more calories than you take in. If not the additional calories will be stored by your body as body fat. If that happens daily then you understand how your body fat builds up or goes down depending on your life style.
The more calories you burn the more fat you get rid of. The more you reduce your calories intake the more fat you avoid. It is a pretty easy to understand and straight forward issue.

But how do you go about it?

Logically the two ways to do it are either to reduce the daily calories intake or to engage in activities that will burn the calorie surpluss. Nothing new, nothing inovative, no surprise. The innovative part is not WHAT to do but HOW to do it. Here are a few great ideas.

Increase your metabolism by exercising. The more active you are the more intense your metabolism becomes, the more calories you burn and the more fat you get rid of! Metabolism has an influence on your weight! People often overlook the fact that a quick metabolism will help them keep weight under control. And exercising helps speeding up your metabolism therefore help you lose weight! And do it at a rythm comfortable for your body! Eat smart! A variety of healthy foods with plenty of veggies, fruits, cereals. Include fish, low-carb dairy products, legumes, pultry, lean-meat. Drink water, plenty of water. Things to avoid as much as possible : alcohol, sugar, saturated fat rich foods. behavior to control ? You know when you are not hungry, but just feel like eating and eating? If you can control this aspect you are a step ahead already!

And don't forget to get rest. Exercising will lead to high endurance to effort so you will be able to burn even more calories, sleep should provide the necessary energy to do so. Together will improve your metabolism and your overal health. And don't get obsessed with your health problem! That alone can erase all your efforts you just made! And most important of all enjoy your life!

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Weigth Loss Challenge
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Biocare : Replenishing Your Nutrient Count

The ingestion of nutritious food is all it takes to keep you hale and hearty. The delicious food is not always nourishing. Sometimes, the food which is an unwholesome waste might be too good to taste. The flavour such foods possess is only due to the spices and condiments. Otherwise they stand as mere junk foods. Biocare is the way to cope up with health and avoid bad effects of these foods.
Biocare is the way to sustain the nutrition imbalance caused by unwholesome food. The snack food, fast food and T.V. dinners are noxious for your physical growth. These foods add to your bad cholesterol and make you obese. The energy factor associated with these foods is the least. To make it even worse, the essential vitamins and minerals can only be found in traces. The consumption of nutritious food is an elementary need of the body. A diet routine high on nutritional value is sure to add grace to your features.

Take a few initiatives to make yourself healthy, use Biocare health supplements. These products are naturally derived and proven to be an efficient support system for well being. Support your diet habits with Biocare products comprising of natural nutrients. Recommended intake of these nutritional supplements enables you to cope up with nutrition loss due to unwholesome food. Consumption of Biocare products induces complete nutrition in everyday life. They act as a replenishment to nourish your health.

Just in case, you can not avoid the temptation to gorge on delicious but unwholesome food, follow these products in addition to it. Adopting Biocare products will nurture your life towards a vigourous existence. For best results, a proper diet plan must be worked upon before inducing these products in your daily food habits. You would not have to make compromises with your health, any further. Go online to find few of these essential supplements and foster great health.

About the Author
John Hayden is a dabbler in dermatology and currently he is researching on various dietary supplements with nutriglow. He has decided to pen down his thoughts for BioCare and BioCare Vitamins and share them for the common benefit.