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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eating Healthy: Diet Plans That Work

It is not always easy to make healthy eating choices. Sometimes it is most convenient to head to the drive-thru or grab a snack from the vending machine when unexpected hunger occurs. Not everyone has the time to plan every meal or work out consistently, but below are some diet plans that work for the average person looking to make a few healthier lifestyle choices.

Some dieting and nutrition experts promote a high protein / low carb diet. This essentially means eating foods that have a high protein content, such as chicken or fish, that also have a low fat and carbohydrate content. Cutting highly-processed carbohydrates from your diet will help you reduce your body fat quicker. These foods, sometimes referred to as "white carbs," include anything made with refined flour and/or refined sugars. The foods include some but not all breads, cereals and pasta. Make sure you check the contents of the food you eat. Too many carbohydrates affect your blood sugar and insulin levels negatively.

Another classic dieting method is simply cutting out sweets, fats, or otherwise. Foods with high fat or calorie content offer a lot of energy to your body. If you are not using the energy you consume, your body naturally stores the energy by converting the calories to fat. Cutting down fatty and high-calorie foods is definitely a great diet plan that has been proven to work.

The best and most effective dieting plan is to simply eat less and exercise more. Without exercise to burn calories, you will continue to build unused energy in your body and will never shed the fat you currently have. Cardiovascular workouts are great calorie-burners. The more energy you use, the more calories you burn, so try to choose activities that take a lot of energy without over-exerting yourself. Heart-pumping workouts like jogging, skipping, aerobics and swimming are great cardiovascular exercises that burn calories efficiently. If you haven’t worked out in a while, start off slowly and increase your workout over time. Walking is a great way to burn calories while toning muscle throughout your body. Toning and building muscles is also an effective form of exercise to reduce body fat as calories are also used for muscle maintenance.

With the amount of diet plans out there and numerous professionals claiming they have the correct method, there is none more effective than simply making healthy eating choices and exercising on a regular basis. There is no easy answer to weight loss and it doesn’t come with a little discipline and hard work.

About the Author
Without exercise, dieting doesn’t work, and without watching your calories, exercising will get you no where. Essentially, maintaining life-long good health is the only real diet plan that works. Even better than that, visit to read more!